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Linear and exponential growth: advanced


Video Sharing
This chart has one plot of data that starts in the lower left and trends toward the upper right at an increasing rate.
The x-axis is days after initial share of video and has 9 major tick marks from 1 to 9. The minimum value is 0 and the maximum value is 10. The y-axis is number of shares and has 13 major tick marks from 25 to 325, in steps of 25. The minimum value is 0 and the maximum value is 350.
The data set consists of 9 points of data. A trend exponential curve is drawn that starts on the y axis at y = 18 and goes through the point x = 6 and y = 125.
The scatter plot shows the number of times, s, in thousands, a video has been shared on a given day, t, after the video was initially shared. The graph of the exponential function that best models the data is also shown. Which of the following best describes the percent by which the number of shares increased each day?
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